Experiential Wealth


Knowing Your Core Bonds in Portfolio Construction the Casey Kasem Way

Knowing Your Core Bonds in Portfolio Construction the Casey Kasem Way

The late Casey Kasem closed each of his American Top 40 radio show with “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”  I am not sure how good an investor he was, but his closing statement each week summarized prudent portfolio construction perfectly – reaching for better returns should be on the shoulders of a solid foundation.

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Turning Target Date Funds into a Lifetime Income Stream

The October 23, 2014, IRS Notice 2014-66 coupled with the confirmation from the DOL Information Letter of the same date cleared the way for target date funds to include unallocated deferred annuity contracts in their investment mix. The Notice and the Information Letter tie together DOL regulation regarding qualified default investment alternative and the fiduciary safe harbor rule for selecting annuity providers.

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