Experiential Wealth


Why We Serve to Lead

The Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst’s motto is “Serve to Lead”, and the final quote in its cadet lessons Plans by Field Marshal Sir William Slim Courage in 1957 states:

“Unselfishness, as far as you are concerned means simply this – you will put first the honour and interests of your country and your regiment; next you will put the safety, wellbeing and comfort of your men; and last – and last all the time – you will put your own interest, your own safety, your own comfort.”

Experiential Wealth, Inc. believes that “Serve to Lead” defines the essence of a fiduciary and how we practice every day. We lead our clients through unselfishly serving them so that they have an enhanced probability of reaching their stated destination.

Our Culture

Honesty, communication and accessibility define our transparent service model. We endeavor to add value through the thoughtful analysis and educated guidance our clients expect in order to make informed decisions.


To professionally guide our clients with the insightful thinking and care they seek to achieve balanced and sound decisions in their best interests.


Improving outcome through the considerate allocation of knowledge, curiosity and skill.

Our Core Values

Experiential Wealth

The trust our clients place in us is sacred, and we treat that relationship with respect and reverence.

Experiential Wealth
Standards and regulations form the foundation of our conduct as we strive to elevate our practices to a higher stratum of care.
Experiential Wealth
Increasing knowledge and improving skills are a constant in bettering ourselves to continue warranting our clients’ trust.
Experiential Wealth

We understand that our achievement on behalf of our clients begins with balanced and thoughtful advice provided through the lens of due diligence, analytical thinking, hard work and sincere humility

Our Core Values

Our Fiduciary Role

Transparency, good faith, full disclosure, integrity and the adherence of fiduciary laws and standard of conducts form the foundation of our fiduciary culture.

Experiential Wealth, Inc. embraces the fiduciary culture and understands the delicate nature of trust and the fiduciary relationship. As a fiduciary to our investment clients, we avoid conflicts so that divided loyalty is never an issue.  As a U.S. Securities & Exchange registered Investment Advisor Representative, we are required to place the best interest of our clients ahead of our own interests, always.

To serve as an investment fiduciary, it is not enough just to serve in the best interest of our clients and to demonstrate good faith. The element of due care is also owed. This duty requires us to perform in a like-kind manner of a similarly situated prudent expert. We must take reasonable steps on a best effort basis to research, analyze, enquire, and verify our investment due diligence process and to challenge our own thinking and conventional wisdom. Our clients leave their properties in our care, and in turn, we must deliver the highest standard of practice and diligence so that their best interests are served.

When serving as a 3(21) investment fiduciary advisor or a 3(38) investment fiduciary manager to an employer sponsored retirement plan subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), we must meet the ERISA fiduciary standard. This is the highest fiduciary standard where we must serve solely in the interest of plan participants and beneficiaries for the exclusive benefits of the plan.

This sole interest standard is exactly what it means. There can not be any conflict of interest (unless there is a regulatory exemption) when serving the participants, administrating the plan and managing the plan assets.

We assist plan sponsors and other plan fiduciary (those who has discretionary authority over the plan and its assets) in meeting their fiduciary responsibilities by introducing fiduciary best practice on an ongoing basis. At the same time, we act as investment fiduciaries of the plan to set up clear guidelines in selecting and monitoring all investment options. Finally, we assist plan fiduciaries in monitoring the activities of all other plan service providers and to advocate for the plan sponsor to seek the services and such providers agree to deliver; including plan design, communication, education and reporting.

We define life by our experiences, and wealth makes our desired experiences possible. Although wealth is not the destination, it is the enabler to experiencing life the way we seek. When delivering financial and investment advice and portfolio management services to individuals, families, foundations and institutions, we understand that the ultimate goal is not only the creation and preservation of wealth but also using wealth as a transmission mechanism to realize and sustain a set of desired outcomes for oneself, one’s heirs, or stakeholders.

We serve in an advocate position to help clients to achieve the experience and outcome they seek by being thoughtful in designing a custom path to travel. As such, we strongly believe that the means to the end is as important as the end. The process for creating and preserving capital must be consistent with and tailored to each client’s circumstance. We will always place our clients’ interests ahead of our own, and trust is the sine qua non to successful outcomes. This is the reason for “Fiducia Perpetua”.