VIENNA, VIRGINIA – Chao & Company, Ltd. is pleased to announce that Philip Chao, will be presenting at the 2015 National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) 401(k) Summit. NAPA, a sister organization of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA), was created by and for retirement plan advisors.
Philip is one of two panelists for the Workshop: “’See’ Changes: Allocation of Revenue Sharing and Plan Costs in a Transparent World” to be held on Sunday, March 22, 2015, at 4:30pm, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA.
As a fiduciary investment consultant to ERISA plans and a portfolio manager for his firm’s wealth and institutional investment management services, Philip is mindful of the best interest standard he owes his clients. Having an understanding and control of plan and investment expenses is an important fiduciary act. Last year he authored a well received white paper regarding fiduciary consideration for using revenue share payments in an ERISA plan – “Whack-A-Mole: Catch Me If You Can“. This white paper is the basis for his discussion and reference as a panelist. Philip will share his best practices during the Summit and engage in an open dialog with attendees.
Media Contact:
Amanda Pagenhardt, (703) 847-4380 x 102
Chao & Company, Ltd., founded in 1992, is a Securities & Exchange Commission Registered Investment Advisor and serves as an ERISA Section 3(21) investment co-fiduciary or ERISA Section 3(38) investment management fiduciary to qualified retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b), and 401(a) plans. The company offers investment advisory and portfolio management services to individuals and institutions.
Philip Chao, founder and principal is an investment advisor representative and serves as the firm’s chief investment officer.