Experiential Wealth

Fidelity’s Approach to DOL

Philip Chao is quoted in the Investment News regarding Fidelity’s business model to comply with the new Fiduciary Rule and its prohibitive transaction exemptions. Here is the link to the May 15, 2017 article reported by Greg Lacurci as well as the full PDF...

Fiduciary Rule Delay 60-days

As expected, the DoL has issued the 60-day extension to the application of the Fiduciary Rule just in time before the new rule’s April 10th application date.  The attached and this link offer a pre-release copy of the extension (to be published in the Federal Register...

DOL FAQ 2 – Conflict of Interest

This update from the DOL sets out ‘a number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding implementation of the conflict of interest (COI) final rule (Rule) on fiduciary investment advice.’ The DOL states that many of these questions ‘relate to the...