The October 2017 ECB Press Conference prepared remarks have made material changes as compared to the September 2017 prepared remarks.
The following bullet points summarize the changes in the October 26, 2017 European Central bank (ECB) press conference after its Governing Council meeting as compared to its September 7, 2017, meeting.
- Keep key rates (no change)
- Maintain same rate level well pass the end of net asset purchase (unchanged)
- Asset purchase program (APP) remains at €60 billion until end of 2017 (unchanged)
- APP at €30 billion from January through September 2018 (change)
- APP may continue until the path of inflation is consistent with its inflation aim (unchanged)
- Reinvest the principal payments from maturing securities purchased under the APP for an extended period of time after the end of its net asset purchases (unchanged)
- Growing confidence in the gradual convergence of inflation rates towards our inflation aim (slight change)
- Positive economic expansion in euro area with unabated growth momentum (slight change)
- Upswing in private investment and rising employment along with broad-based global recovery are all positives (slight change)
- Private loan growth continues with easing credit standards (unchanged)
- Monetary accommodation needs continuing calibration but not very substantial to secure the target inflation rate (change)
The complete Press Conference statement comparison can retrieved here.