Experiential Wealth

ECB Press Conference July 20th – What has changed?

Jul 20, 2017 | Central Bank, Individuals, Institutions


  • Economic expansion strengthening (unchanged) and broadening (changed)
  • Private consumption continues to be supported by employment gains and household wealth (unchanged)
  • Risk to growth outlook balanced (unchanged)
  • Missing stronger inflation dynamics and inflation remains subdued (unchanged)
  • Substantial degree of monetary accommodation is still needed to support financing conditions necessary to secure a sustained return of inflation rates towards levels that are below, but close to, 2% (unchanged)
  • If outlook becomes less favorable, ECB stands ready to increase its asset purchase program in terms of size and/or duration (unchanged)
  • Private, non-financial corporation loan growth remains steady (unchanged) while credit standard for loans eased (changed)

Monetary policy decision unchanged.