A chopper Commander played by Meg Ryan in the 1996 movie “Courage Under Fire”1, was killed in a combat mission by friendly fire. In its final scene, a letter she wrote to her parents was read.
What she said summarized was the important duty of a fiduciary – the duty of loyalty. She was loyal to those who placed their wellbeing in her care and direction. She cannot be conflicted in making decisions as her soldiers must rely on her command without doubt. The ability to defend a country or to fight a war requires absolute trust in chain of command and that a soldier’s best interest is not questioned. Investment and financial advice are far from military combat, but the duty of loyalty to clients as the basis of a trusting relationship is no different.
Dear Mom and Dad,…
…well, this is it – the big push. Looks like it’s gonna really happen. And I’m afraid…not of being hurt or killed…well, kind of, but not much. My only regret will be to never see you two again…and that ‘Ill never see Anne Marie grow up. But I know she’s in good hands, the best.
What I’m really afraid of is that I might let my people down, my crew. These people depend on me. They put their lives in my hands. I just can’t fail ’em.
Now, I know if you get this letter…it means I’m dead. I only hope that I’ve made you proud
..that I did my job…and I didn’t let down my country, my crew, my fellow soldiers.
I Love you guys.Never stop telling Anne Marie how much I Love her.
Your daughter, Karen.
- A 20th Century Fox military drama directed by Edward Zwick starting Denzel Washington and Meg Ryan and written by Patrick Duncan.