Experiential Wealth

ERISA Investment Consulting

Mar 10, 2010 | Everything Else, Opinions, Plan Sponsors

Chao & Company’s Investment Consulting provides complete expert fiduciary advice with the goal to reduce fiduciary responsibilities and liabilities for plan sponsors. Through the development of a reasoned and practical Investment Policy Statement, we aim to guide the process in a way that will deliver cost effective solutions, identify and select investment vehicles that align with the stated goals, and prudently monitor investments.

A detailed process forms the basis for preparation, review and update of a Plan’s Investment Policy Statement in order to address many qualitative factors:

  • Organization and participant background and demographics
  • The Plan’s set goals and objectives
  • Identifying all fiduciaries including functions
  • Investment philosophy – the role of passive vs active funds
  • Identifying asset and sub asset classes to be included
  • Identifying historical returns, risk and correlation
  • Investment selection criteria and benchmarks
  • Investment monitoring criteria
  • Watch list criteria
  • QDIA selection and monitoring criteria
  • Participant level advice selection and monitoring
  • Misc. issues such as company stock, 404(c) and brokerage accounts